I downloaded the most oldest version of tpt.I found these elements fire water lava nitr gas goo metl snow neut plnt dust oil stne gun clne c4 ice sprk wood plut acid wall e-wall detector streamline sign fan indestructible wall and erase wall and erase.Dust is the oldest outta them all (I gtg 2 bed very soon) Btw here is the link 2 all the tpt downloads https://powdertoy.co.uk/Download/Older.html (@Anmol444 gave me the link thanks @Anmol444)
untill about half a year ago I only had the first version of powder toy. But than I got a new computer and the problem fixed itslef. True fact! P.S. why is this in creations?
@edza101(View Post) Not really i have loved fire so long in my life i have learned something.Fire is always being reborn so it really does not matter if water puts it out.