@dnerd(View Post) that makes pressure in the 200's. the reason the thrm dosen't move with the pressure is because it is so immense.
uhm if you unpause it quickly launches the thermite quickly to the other side of the screen. i even think the pressure is 200 lol when in contact with that much thunder.
@BreakingNYC(View Post) No dude, the pressure launches it, pressure is the ONLY force in tpt capable of moving things, therefore, the pressure was so immense that it launched it across the screen faster then the pressure moved itself.
no i checked it and the pressure is still around 170-195.20
"pressure is the ONLY force in tpt capable of moving things"
Pressure aint the only thing in powder toy that makes things move. have you ever heard of "falling sand physics"? or GRAVITY? even without pressure in a blank screen with dust it still falls. the pressure is 0. oh and you ever heard of the element PIPE?