This is a very simple method for marking your saves in a stealthy, concealed way. The mark is hard to remove, and, if made properly, can be nearly impossible to find. This one is easier to find, but is still well concealed. So what is it? It's my User ID encoded in binary! Try to find it(10101101101) in the save below! Feel free to use this method in your saves.
@Cr15py(View Post) Awesome idea. I found it, but only because I new about it. I think this would be very effective in giving evidence that a save is indeed yours (whom ever that may be)
Ya, if you press 9(Heat gradient), the HSWC appears to be turned off and the NBLE is visible. I could have used other materials to construct the barcode that would not change appearance based on view. I have just added one, try to find it! :D
@Anmol444(View Post) I just used my logo as an example. The idea is that you would put one in anything you didn't want stolen, including the actual creation.