Singularity (Help)

  • tothemyers
    27th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    While working on a (secret) project, I encountered a major dilemma:

    The problem is with singularity. I need it at a ready supply, as the device I am planning literally runs on it. The problem is, it deteriorates and vanishes rapidly. Under any other circumstances, I would use CLNE on it, but singularity is one of the few substances that destroys CLNE. Increasing the life count to infinite is not an option either, as it needs to be transportable (It counteracts FAN with the negative pressure, and destroys PIPE).

    In all essentials, what I need is a stable form of singularity that easily becomes unstable under a certain trigger (e.x. temperature, electricity, pressure), but in a non-reversible phase change.

    My idea: liquid singularity, in the form of LAVA singularity. All I need is even a single pixel of LAVA with ctype SING.

    Why go to all this trouble for stable singularity? The device I am working on uses singularity for the first firing stage.

    I will not tell you what it does or how it works, but this should give you a good idea of what the end product will be:

    Homing/Moving Rockets.