Realistic Authentic Nuke Missile!

  • Klotzstein
    27th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Yeah it looks alot more like a nuke. I was forced to use Thermite to make it breakable, it is not 100% breakable (well detonate it and you will get it what i mean).
    Fire at the Warhead, yes Warhead not heads with War

    Suggestion and Feedback please.

    It happend me that randomly i just wanted to make a missile and i somehow figured out i got an realistic nuklear missile
  • Jallibad
    27th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    there is nothing "nuclear" about this missile, nuclear refers to having nuclear material inside the bomb. Just because it explodes does NOT mean that it is a nuke. Other than that, good job.
  • Klotzstein
    27th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I know and i dont give a crap about it.
    Because Deut/Plut would make a big weird blue ball with weird rings :S.
    This is why i dint use Radiation stuff

    Edit: And i watched alot of nuke Videos and it was a big redish Fireball
    Yes i know the Color is a bit weird but better than the ugly Neutrons one
    I had also to use Thermite to make it break so this is why it looks more like a Napalm :S
  • Jallibad
    27th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I know what a nuclear explosion looks like, it's just I have a pet peeve about how everyone calls any explosive they make a nuke. Also, it's not called a napalm, it's called napalm
  • edza101
    27th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I agree as king of python coding and cmd