Toad And Toadette On Go-Kart

  • Jack426
    27th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Hey Guys! I Made Toad And Toadette Today.

    Dedicated To: PowerShroomsAttack << The Toad Lover.<br />Make Time: 45 minutes to 1 hour.

    Sorry about the eyes. I couldn't get them to look how I wanted, because of the angle of them.
    Same with the hands. I can't get it the look right,because the pixels are to big. I need a brush size of half a pixel.
    ^ (A Pixette Size) ^

    Anyway, Go ahead and criticize.

  • shroom207
    27th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Jack426 (View Post)
    Yes i saw that a second ago i voted up (I am the second voter)