I have recently dug up, from my old hard drive on my old computer, a quite extraordinary save. It was created in a PRE Version 24 world. In this world there was only 19 elements. None of which were the advanced semiconductors or switches that are common today. We didn't even have Wireless back then! Anyway I had created a binary decoder:
I know its crap :D. It is unnecessarily large and slow. The thing that strikes me as so surprising is that when I made this I didn't even know what a logic gate was, and yet I used common logic gates like AND, NOT, NAND and diodes. I thought it was surprising anyway... It also looks much cooler then the electronics today when it is running :D
Instructions Button 1: Sets Highest Bit to 1 Button 2: Sets Highest Bit to 0 Button 3: Sets Lowest Bit to 1 Button 4: Sets Lowest Bit to 0 Button 5: Decodes binary stored in the register. Box1 : Wait for this box to light up again before using button 5 again.
(What it does is not that important, I was just showing how natural the Logic Gate system can be)
My first electronic creation is private-saved, it got downvoted too much. It was sort of a circuit with WIFI, NSCN, PSCN and METL, I put a lot of n00by effort into not making it behave like a giant battery and flood with SPRK, it started from a single photon. I can PM a link to anyone who promises not to vote it down. I don't see anything wrong with it! Maybe it was that I didn't know there was a line tool, lol!
@massey101(View Post) It's good, for its time. The most advanced thing I ever made on the version with only 19 elements was an engine that didn't do anything. I'm focused on electronics now. Are versions prior to the version with 19 elements still available? I can't tell what version the one with 19 elements is because it doesn't say.
@massey101(View Post) hmm, It's not really that important, it would just be interesting to see what it was like near the start of TPT. I remember a couple months ago, I went on a quest to find it and I downloaded every version present on the site, yet the earliest one on this website has 21 elements. maybe there was no earlier public version of TPT then the one with 19 elements.