Fallow From Deltora Quest

  • Jack426
    29th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Hey Guys! I made these for my friend, deltora2.

    Dedicated To: deltora2 << My TPT Friend.<br />
    Make Time: 1 hour to 1 hour and 30 minutes.

    Go ahead and criticize.
    Hope you like it, deltora2!

    - Jack426

    P.S. The only thing different between them is, One has a background and one doesn't.
    The one without the background stays solid when unpaused, but the one with the background doesn't.
  • Neospector
    29th Apr 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Deltora series was awesome.
    I just can't remember like half of the characters. I know there was the dragons, the belt, the order of the gems spel...well I don't want to spoil.
    Unless we're talking about two different things?