
  • GreekGuy
    2nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Could all you guys give me more suggestion to add to my save:

    it is the first TPT tsunami to have pressure from the top and submarines and stuff
    the problem is that i want to make more stuff on it but i want suggestion from the community
  • Cr15py
    2nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Doesn't exactly seem to be the most realistic tsunami :S but it's pretty cool. On a side note, my news feed just had a story about a tsunami simulator that uses google maps lol
  • baldboy_666
    2nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Tsunamis using pressure doesn't get great results.
  • Ace
    2nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Please get rid of that vote sign.
  • GreekGuy
    2nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    what vote sign?


    the problem with TPT is that you cant make a legit wave from the bottom. WATR is too light so it lifts up and sorta floats in the air. so if you have a small amount of pressure it forms small waves that move around and then dissipate, but if you add too much pressure the water flies around and gets you no where. so thats why i put my pressure up top. the huge amounts of pressure bounce of the water and then form pressure wave which suck up the water into the shape if those waves. i am currently researching on the slope of the land in my tsunami to see how that effects it. Also, I put a layer of DEUT under the water to use up space but not move alot, DEUT is close to the same color as watr so that doesnt look weird, deut works as a spacer and sometimes when its thrown on top of the water it (being heavier than water) pushes the water up to make more waves.

    thats how i made my tsunami to look as realistic as it is. (all copyrighted by me so no stealing!)

    I have all my basic things corrected and such on my tsunami, i am asking for suggestions of extras to add to it.
  • BlueAmulet
    2nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @GreekGuy (View Post)
    I tried pressure from the top but it sorta made backwards waves. It is hard to replicate a tsunami due to the properties of watr compared to water.
  • GreekGuy
    2nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • BlueAmulet
    2nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    New version of my Tsunami. More realistic than my original but still lacking something.
  • GreekGuy
    2nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    it sorta lifts up the whole ocean