@EqualsThree(View Post) Its good,(I voted up) but the power method is a bit of a cheating method... you can generate electricity easily by just putting particles in a detector. the challenge is making the heat boil the water to turn the turbine. Lol... in comparison to the boat and planes, the stick people are really big...
I would remove the stickmen, and you should note in the save that the iron rusting was deliberate. I'd love to vote, but I feel it needs more perfection.
EDIT: the reason i didnt use the Nuke reactor to heat up the water because....it will limit some features of the carrier....like its plane storage capacity, crew compartment, etc
@EqualsThree(View Post) I understand. It is very difficult to come up with a small design. I have a reactor design that can fit in a 40x29 space, but due to the fact that I made it for the PNEC, you can either order it from the thread (I Think its free) or I can come up with a different design and give it to you... If you like...