uses allot of smaller lasers then combines them and then reditrects them into the accelerator which fires them thru the heating system at devastating speeds :p
credits go to Chemical_Samurai for the laser Accelerator.
Very well done, I voted up, I love the mechanism, and it's very powerful. However, I have noticed that if you place an L shaped block of dmnd two pixels(below) thick the mechanism will destroy itself. I=INSL, X=DMND, the insl is the insl at the exit of the device.
it's internals can be destroyed in allot of ways.this is basically just a prototype.i was fiddling around with a few lasers and glass trying to make them form one but that didn't work out too well so i fiddled with reflection and found the perfect diamond shape to make it reflect and able to add more lasers.i guess i could also just put in 2 large lasers and have them combine but i don't know if this will make it as powerful as allot of smaller ones.
Love it, as anmol444 said, i was working on my own too but you beat me to it. Well done, i voted up! Yea i had noobs vote down on mine just because they couldn't make anything as good.
Nice idea! I thought of the National Ignition Facility (NIF) where they made a laser system that combines 192 lasers to make one powerful beam. It's basically the same concept.