Solids/powder smelter

  • snateraar
    15th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    It's not exactly the best but it's pretty fast and semi-advanced, and I spent quite some time on it.
    1. Put in smeltable material;
    2. Spark the HEAT 'I';
    3. Wait until everything is molten;
    4. Spark the HEAT 'O' and then the COOL 'I';
    5. Now spark the COOL 'O' and you're done.

    Have fun!

    Left one is for smelting powders and solids, and the right one is for extracting salt from SLTW.
    Feel free to use any component.
  • shroom207
    15th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @snateraar (View Post)
    I voted up sssss Thatssss a nice sssssmelter you have there it would be bad if ssssomething were 2 happen 2 it.