2-Stage Deuterium Bomb

  • Mr_Twig
    18th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    This works on the basis of distributing the deuterium all over the target area to maximise the damage, all you have to do is spark the bit at the top once; then the outside layer of Liquid O2 will ignite, cracking the deuterium case, spreading it across the target area. Simultaneously, the plutonium/ boyle gas core will create neutrons, which after a couple of seconds, will burst out and detonate the deuterium. I saw something a bit like this once, but I thought i'd try and make a completely destructible one. Hope you like this, its only my second creation. :)
  • Jallibad
    18th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Is this wat u saw?
  • Mr_Twig
    18th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I didn't see those ones, but they're pretty good. The one I saw used E-Wall, so I tried to make one without using anything indestructible.
  • Anmol444
    18th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Mr_Twig (View Post)
    U can just use thdr to spread the deut.

    But good job.