People, help to fill converter.

  • mniip
    22nd May 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    I made an converter engine but it needs to be filled.
    Download here (win32/64)
    (sorry a link was beaten for 1 min 36 sec)
    It has categories: Length, Area, Volume, Time, Speed, Acceleration, Force, Information, Mass

    U can post any unit of measure here.
    Post name and fraction to meter(sq meter, cb meter, second, meter/second, meter/sq second, nawton, byte, kg).

    kilometer 1000
    (means that kilometer contains 1000 meters)


    Meters 1
    Kilometers 1 000
    Decimeters 0.1
    Centimeters 0.01
    Millimeters 0.001
    Miles 1 806 (maybe incorrect)
    Astronomic Unit = 149 597 870 700
    Light years 9 467 280 000 000 000

    Meters ² 1
    Kilometers ² 1 000 000
    Decimeters ² 0.01
    Centimeters ² 0.0001
    Millimeters ² 0.000001
    Ar 100
    Hectar 10 000
    Miles ² 3 261 636 (maybe incorrect)
    Light years ² 89 629 390 598 400 000 000 000 000 000 000

    Meters ³ 1
    Kilometers ³ 1 000 000 000
    Decimeters ³ 0.001
    Centimeters ³ 0.000001
    Millimeters ³ 0.000000001
    Miles ³ 5890514616
    Light year ³ 8.03342765904055431008256e+63

    second 1
    minute 60
    hour 3 600
    day 86 400

    kilogram 1
    gram 0.001
    ton 1000

    Bytes 1
    Bits 0.125
    Words 2
    Blocks 2 048
    Kilobytes 1 024
    Kilobits 128
    Megabytes 1 048 576
    Megabits 131 072
    Gigabytes 1 073 741 824
    Gigabits 134 217 728
    Terabytes 1 099 511 627 776
    Terabits 137 438 953 472
    Petabytes 1 125 899 906 842 624
    Petabits 140 737 488 355 328
    Exabytes 1 152 921 504 606 846 976
    Exabits 144 115 188 075 855 872
    0.72M Diskettes 754 974.72
    1.44M Diskettes 1 509 949.44
    2.88M Diskettes 3 019 898.88

  • TheWiseEyes
    22nd May 2011 Banned 0 Permalink
    This post is hidden because the user is banned
  • BudCharles
    22nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    100 m2 is 1 hectare.
  • MasterMind555
    22nd May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @TheWiseEyes (View Post)
    You're describing my computer!
    I wish it was true...

    @mniip (View Post)
    There's also the Astronomic Unit = 149,597,870.7 KM
  • mniip
    22nd May 2011 Developer 0 Permalink
    @TheWiseEyes (View Post)
    Nobody actually needs it but...... ok