OIL to GAS converter.

  • _-_David_-_
    25th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I made an OIL to GAS converter.

    It uses stem to gently heat the OIL so it turns to GAS, which is then carried away and stored in a collection chamber.


    1. Spark ''ON'' (Found on top of the OIL chamber).
    2. Spark ''START'' (Found on top of the OIL chamber).
    (It has a control panel so you see what's happening. The control panel auto-refreshes, so you know when it's active / inactive.)
    3. When you have the desired amount of GAS, spark ''OFF'' (Found on top of the OIL chamber).

    Hope you enjoy using it, please comment!

  • BudCharles
    25th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • _-_David_-_
    25th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @BudCharles (View Post)
    Thanks ;3

    Any more feedback people?