LOOK at it

  • bakedgrant1357924680
    29th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I really need some people to check out my alien starship I worked really hard on it. Though last time I checked it it only had two votes and no feedback :( . Can you please give me some feedback.
  • Sylvi
    29th May 2011 Moderator 0 Permalink
    Can you post it and not use the title LOOK at it? We really want titles specific to the creation.
  • theKJM
    29th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    i shall have to check it out
  • bakedgrant1357924680
    29th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok yeah sure. Now all you have to do is go to the searchbar type in user:bakedgrant1357924680 and look for alien starship 1.2. And there is is.
  • Sylvi
    29th May 2011 Moderator 0 Permalink
    Or post the save here as:
  • bakedgrant1357924680
    29th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
  • therocketeer
    29th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @bakedgrant1357924680 (View Post)
    You could've just put the title "my new alien starship" and then explained the topic in grater detail instead of just asking for votes and feedback, that way you'll gain more respect and more Kudos.

    Polish your thoughts before posting them.
  • bakedgrant1357924680
    29th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    or you could get on your hands and knees and pick up my change I dropped it.
  • Yeungers
    29th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    lol,i wouldn't do that
  • webb
    29th May 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    As @Lockheedmartin has said, this thread is against the forum rules...
Locked by Catelite: Threads need more specific titles that are not tailored to gather attention.