An awesome Audi A5 Coupe! Another great car from FDCC, after a break from cars. We hope you emjoy it, it has many revolutionary things like PHOT headlights, and a special gearbox, custom built for this! Also, the controls are easy to use.
You're quite big-headed, aren't you? PHOT headlights are hardly revolitionary neither are gearboxes. Oh well... Also, when was this break you're banging on about in the description?
Features on a car don't make it special. It's basically pixel art with a bit of circuitry, like the other five or maybe six you've made. :P As much effort as it's obvious you've put into it, you can't learn anything if you make the same type of thing over and over again.
@FDCC(View Post) All of your cars are virtually identical, just different body shapes and logos. Nothing else. This just has an added box of clumsy electronics and a "dashboard" which doesn't really even function.
@Catelite(View Post) Thanks for the constructive critisism. Thanks for noticing the effort, though. :D We will be making a plane next. Why not enjoy the car's elements? It won't hurt. At least for 10 min. Thanks. @TheRazorsEDGE What are you calling clumsy electronics and useless dashboard? I'd like to see you even try to make a masterpiece like this.
@FDCC(View Post) I don't suppose you read my first post. You can hardly say that the gearbox is revolutionary. It is a box of spark loops and resistors, hardly a masterpiece.
Also, do you know where the design for those FDCC timers came from?
@Catelite(View Post) Considering none of the 30,000 users has done that, I took the liberty to compliment myself. What vehicle WOULD you like to see? @TheRazorsEDGE Have you ever seen it before? Simple things are revolutionary. They are from cctvdude99, so what?
You can't take the liberty of complimenting yourself. That makes you seem really weird, because your opinion is entirely your own, and does not reflect how awesome it might actually be :P
You don't have to be so defensive, but I got tired of seeing cars after the second one you made.
It's pretty obvious you can make cars, but can you make machines and electronics and etc.?