Logo maker levels unpublished

  • user25
    3rd Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I recently looked at some of my logo makers and saw that my "I Make Logos For You V.2" and "I Make Logos For You V.3" were unpublished, but I would like to know why, I never stole anything or had anything against the rules, and never received a warning of any kind, would the moderator who unpublished it please explain why? Thank You, User25
  • limelier
    3rd Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Did you have a vote up thing in it? Then you must know that you're not allowed to have such vote gimmicks.
  • user25
    3rd Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I didn't have a vote up thing, I actually said don't vote, so i'm not asking for votes, i'm doing the opposite, though OF COURSE people don't listen and they vote anyways, I mean i don't like people voting on my logo makers, I said not to,, so it wasn't my fault some people voted, I said not to.
  • Catelite
    3rd Jun 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Telling people not to vote has the same effect as asking them to vote. It reminds them of the vote buttons, and most people won't care.

    Republish them if you like, I went through like a thousand saves this morning, I didn't put a great deal of thought into each one :P
  • user25
    3rd Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Thank you, I will also remove the sign that says that,m thanks Catelite
  • Catelite
    3rd Jun 2011 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    Aye aye. It's not a huge deal, I just don't have anything else to do, lol.
Locked by Catelite: Not needed atm, answered