@tiniuclx(View Post) You could use INVS, but you'll get NEUT from the PHOT. Try if you want, sometimes compromises have to be made. Why do you need a transparent material? Or use GLOW encased in solid WIND(Draw the shape you want with DMND, press ~, then type set type dmnd wind).
By transparent I meant that photons can pass through it, I'll try those ideas. Also, to toggle the laser, I use a hot source and a cold source and switch between them with HSWC. I tried to use plasma, but it somehow gets out of the box. But most lasers I've seen use life: MAZE to cool and GOL/WALL to heat. Do you have anymore ideas for the heating/cooling system?
Thanks for the help, but now I have another problem:
I use therocketeer's idea to heat/cool the ray, but I can't cool it down, the temperature of the photons is stopping the cooling system from working (I use NICE to cool, it's the coldest thing AFAIK), the beam is at about 400 degrees... What should I do?
EDIT: I managed to get it working by making the heat/cool thing longer.