@ubuntupokemoninc @mastermind555 You both fail. This person has made a creation. If you say fail, give the reason why. So at least that person will understand what was done wrong and maybe give that person a chance to redeem themselves and fix the problem.
because, no offence but its pointless, just like ninja potato or what ever the hell shit has been on the popular saves. thank god there is no element called shit!
@fizzyasprin(View Post) Maybe try and make it look more professional and neat. Maybe make an option to turn it on and off. Generally people won't like it if it looks messy and rushed.
I like your use of the decoration layer though... It took me a while to figure it out. (I've never used the decoration layer in a creation and hadn't seen one with the decoration layer in use.
EDIT: @ubuntupokemoninc You shouldn't go on about how bad it is, maybe you should try adding suggestions to making it better.
@randalserrano(View Post) Number of peoples that makes saves like that - Number of peoples who won't post it on the forum = 9001 Must stop it now Beeing polite was cute at the beggining, but now...
Plus it's common sense look at the other saves on the forum...