Rockband feedback and contest. (please read)

  • dgreen
    16th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    --------- Reason for reposting
    1. Noone entered the contest
    2. I got absolutely no feed back positive or negative, of any sort. (Noone posted here, ingame on TPT, or sent me a convo)

    First of all, let me clear this up. This is the first rock band game. The person who made the "powder hero" save lives across the street from me and goes to my school. Look at the save ID's!
    The reason he finished first is because I got in trouble, and was grounded from all electronics for a length of time.

    I need feedback for this save. Feedback of any sort would be appreciated.


    To Play:

    1. Press ON (located at top right corner)
    2. Wait for colored bars in lower left to begin flashing.
    3. Press corresponding colored circle to score. (depending on computer speed, you have approx. 2 seconds.)
    4. When finished press OFF. (located above on)

    Directions now ingame.

    Options: (more to come)
    1. Using the METL bettons located at top, toward the left, you can adjust the amount of inputs to the bars, increasing difficulty, but giving you more opportunities to score.

    Misc. Info.
    The input to the scoring system is a wifi signal sent at the 1700 freqency.
    Score has been tested by me to 556, with only one incident, which was corrected with the next point.
    If you need more info, ASK!


    I suck at pixel art. Therefore, I am asking you to build instruments for play.


    1.Fits inside this box:

    2. Has 4 distinct, separate buttons.
    One red, with wifi set at 200 inside.
    One blue, with wifi set at 800 inside.
    One green, with wifi set at 600 inside
    One yellow, with wifi set at 400 inside.
    3. Buttons must be at least 25 pixels total, and the wifi MUST be surronded by NSCN or METL.

    Any Instruments will be accepted. Qualifying entries will get credit, plus something else, as long as it isnt unreasonable.
    Edited by dgreen, 2011-06-21 19:04:00
  • Anmol444
    16th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @dgreen (View Post)
    Please refrain from creating 2 threads for the same purpose.
  • randalserrano
    16th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Very nice. looks like im going to have to make a guitar of some type. he he he.
  • dgreen
    16th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @Anmol444 (View Post)
    Sorry... I made this before I realized I could bump the old one. Epic Fail.
    @randalserrano (View Post)
    Thank you.