@TlccXtreme(View Post) 1. It shouldn't have gone above 60-61 anyway. 2. You wouldn't be able to see the difference. 3. Your monitor almost certainly doesn't support that many fps anyway.
@TlccXtreme(View Post) In past versions, it has been higher. your computer is still going at the same speed, but the game only shows up to 61... originally that was the limit. I recently used a computer that previously had 100-120 FPS, but now only 61... but hardly ever below 61. Its just what it shows you, not the speed it is going at.
EDIT: If you compare the two, you will probably see that they go at the same speed, just show different FPS (61 on current version)
This should really be in the General or Help section
@TlccXtreme(View Post) That's why I said almost certainly, not definitely, even so, you can't see the difference. The only time 120hz comes in use is when it is actually showing 3d which TPT is not.