My New Creations (17/6/2001)

  • Ace
    18th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    This is a laser that that shoots stacked super hot PHOT. On initiation, it powers up several lasers and shoots them through a E-hole full of PGOL oscillators. The E-hole allows the PHOT to pass through the hot PGOL thus more effectively heating them. Because E-hole locks the PHOT in and powering it will make the PHOT bound off the PGOL, I used FILT as a bridge for the PHOT to escape through. Then the PHOT is stacked and fired out.

    (serious voice) Some folk say it's a blank page, some say it was erased many TPT versions ago. But some say, that there is evil that haunts it.

    No, really, don't sit on people.
  • robertfraser
    18th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    What's freaking about Boo!?
  • Ace
    18th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    @robertfraser (View Post)
    It flashes every second or so. I hid it with the deco layer because it wouldn't let you see the INST and at the same time let's the SPRK glow come through.
    Edited by Ace, 2011-06-17 09:20:49
  • CAC-Boomerang
    18th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink

    Wow, I loved that "Boo" creation! It's now inspiring me to create a practical joke! >:]

  • randalserrano
    18th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    that boo creation is awesome!
  • CAC-Boomerang
    18th Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    I'm going to create a save that when you press a button, suddenly the whole screen lags!

    (I got that idea from a forum thread that had a lagging save... Some time ago though mind you...)