Improvements to R.S.T

  • Ozonerx
    23rd Jun 2011 Member 0 Permalink
    Hi everyone! I'm working on a creation (Receiving Signal Tower) which is connected to other one (Electric energy center) that receives it's signal. The problem is that I think that there are very few things in R.S.T and there is very little space to add something. So I'm asking you for help to improve it, like doing bigger the museum/cinema/theater/library building or add a floating building (the space ship that yopu see there is the one that receives the signal from the other place and sends it to the R.S.T) . Any logic ideas will be well accepted.

    Now that schools out for summer I will have more time to do things, so I will work on decorating in (like the floors and another things). Also post if there is some burning man there, it seems that the SPRK of the "lamps" (the LCRY) burns the wood.
    Sorry if there is bad english and thanks for helping!
