
  • tmo97
    11th Jul 2010 Banned 0 Permalink
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  • ad
    11th Jul 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    so tell me... whats a keycode machine?... maybe ill build it if u tell me what it should do lol
  • Sylvi
    11th Jul 2010 Moderator 0 Permalink
    It's like a keypad, enter the wrong button order. So let's say there are 4 buttons. 1 2 3 4.

    Enter the numbers in a specific order, and it does something. It took a lot of space to build in the original. I remember a lot of the schematics from old projects but can't get around building it because of time.
  • Andrewrox
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Seems like a really time consuming creation.
  • lolzy
    11th Jul 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    I could give it a go. It may take a while but if i can get the time ill work on it :)
  • Sylvi
    11th Jul 2010 Moderator 0 Permalink
    It took a few weeks for the inventor to make it work smoothly. It has to be in a specific order of numbers to activate what ever. Took up 3 quarters of the page I think.
  • floridarolf
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok, im also on it, and i have to say it looks pretty promising up until now.
    Im still trying to make it so the code has to be typed in a predetermined order.
    Iam also using a binary-bus to make it not quiet so obvious what the code is ^^.

    Oh and basicly all of my logic stuff is blatantly stolen from erwins_cat, who helped me ALOT(...well....) so far. ^^
    Its a quiet challanging contraption sofar, i hope i have it running by tomorrow.
  • floridarolf
    11th Jul 2010 Member 0 Permalink
    Ok im done ^^, man that was a piece of work.
  • ad
    11th Jul 2010 Former Staff 0 Permalink
    good job
  • Sylvi
    11th Jul 2010 Moderator 0 Permalink
    I'm amazed, you basically remade it really close to what they had. Yours is better then the old.
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