If you lookup 'Gravity point' you can see my creation. Basically, its a blackhole with a layer of DMND to stop them getting sucked in.
This is how i discovered what i believe to be a glitch. If you have less than 3px of DMND and a blackhole on the otherside, it will go straight through the DMND. This works best with a similar style to that of my gravity point layout.
This is a problem with the physics of the game, nothing can be done about it. The entire game would have to be rewritten using different methods which would require a super computer to process.
actually everything that can move freely can pass through a wall of any element that is less than 2px thick, try for example, a 1px metal box, and put neutrons or photons inside and see what happens...
recently, I made a save using white hole to accerate photons...it went through an indestructable wall and detroyed my logo :/ I think that if you get a particle moving fast enough, you could get it through anything
This happens because, say, if the velocity of a particle is over 3 pixels per frame, it can completely skip the layer of diamond. Really not much can be done about it.
@airstrike52(View Post) Exactly. Try using a singularity bomb (about 25-30 pixels) surrounded by 3-6 layers of wall. This is another example of the same problem.