2021-09-15 14:59:34
Please give reasons for your downvote so I can improve.

I make stuff in stuff to optimize other stuff so I can more efficiently make stuff in stuff.

Have you noticed that people with a low average score tend to have many saves, even hundreds or thousands, but people with a high score tend to have only a few, around 15 but sometimes even less than 10? I wonder why that's the case. Maybe it's because of effort. Putting more effort into a save makes it such that the save takes longer to make, and so fewer can be made. This is annoying, as it means that there are few good saves out there and many bad saves.

What is a bad save? Bad saves and good saves can cover the same topics, but whether the topic is executed well or not makes the save good or bad. For example, take a bomb. The noob might create a box filled with plutonium (or worse, a box made of vibranium that they tell you to explode yourself), but the pro might create a visually stunning and especially destructive azure (or hyzure? idk what the bomb classifications are nowadays).

But what exactly makes a save bad or good? Is it just luck, or is it predictable? One pattern I notice is that good (higher-scored) creators tend to make better saves. Maybe we should look to the reasons why I downvote saves, which include:
- Copied saves
- Saves with only one or two mechanics
- Cursed saves

I think I'm noticing a pattern here. Good saves ARE the high-effort saves, and bad saves ARE the low-effort ones. But how do we find this "effort" just by looking at the save? If we're experienced at The Powder Toy, it seems obvious: we can imagine how long it would take us to build it, and we judge the effort using that.

There's a problem with that however. Nobody (except maybe a few devs (actually no, emergent properties can confuse even the devs)) knows every single thing there is to know about TPT. So how do we judge saves we don't know a thing about? Actually, I have one idea about this. We either think it is super impressive or we think we can make it in two seconds. This applies to a lot of things, actually. Things seem simple until you understand them and other things seem complicated until you know them and break them apart.

So what things seem complicated and what things seem simple?
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