2022-08-06 20:52:57
I make random s**t (quality is diffrent) One time I made a joke save (after seeing many simaler things), ate dinner came back to it saw it got fp got it removed for asking for votes (wanted downvotes cuz I was making a save as a random creation from my afterthoughts watching simaler saves. I do not care about anything else (frontpage getting save banned .etc) Btw thank you all for making me get a save to the front page for the first time! even if it was for like a few minutes. Even though it was on the front page, I thank you (moderator I for got the name of I'm sorry for that) for not getting me any more things to keep me thinking aboutat 3 am when I am trying to sleep. (I am rambaling aren't I.) I started A chain by on destroyable city 5 by saying 2 words. that's "5122 including this one" befort that a user called kitsy said "There are 5121 comments of this save as of of rn" this triggered a user called NoobieMcNoobie to say "so 5123?" this caused 4 other users to comment updating that number by adding 1 to the number that preseeded it. the chain is still alive by 14/July/2023.
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