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이 문서는 The Powder Toy의 폭발성 물질들을 다루고 있다. 물질의 이미지를 클릭하여 해당 물질에 대한 자세한 설명을 볼 수 있다.
이 물질들은 불에 노출 될 때 대부분 반응하며 각 물질은 서로 다른 특성이 있다. 압력, 고온, 전류, 다른 입자와의 접촉, 플라즈마 및 물에 대해 반응을 보일 수 있다.
불이다. 가연성 물질을 점화시킨다. 'Ambient Heat' 설정이 켜졌을 때 주변 온도를 상승시킨다. 초고온의 화염은 플라즈마로 변환될 수 있다.
화약이다. 가벼운 가루이며 불 및 전류이나 고온에 반응할 수 있다.
니트로글리세린이다. 불 및 전류나 고온 및 고압에 반응한다. 점토 가루와 반응하여 트라이나이트로톨루엔(TNT)을 생성하거나 중성자와 반응하여 기름을 생성할 수 있다.
C-4 고성능 폭약이다. 불 및 전류나 고온 및 고압에 반응한다. 중성자와 반응하여 끈적한 물질을 생성할 수 있다.
루비듐이다. 불 및 산, 그리고 물에 반응한다. 전류가 통할 수 있으며(폭발하지 않는다) 융해할 수 있다.
액체 루비듐이다. 루비듐의 액체 상태이다.
천둥 생성 물질
Description: "Lightning! Very hot, inflicts damage upon most materials, transfers current to metals."
Type: Energy
Very hot liquid-like substance, passes a SPRK to any conductive materials. One of the most destructive elements, will create a strong pressure shock wave (256 pressure) as well as conducting its temp when in contact with non-metals (or metals that are unable to conduct electricity because a spark has just passed by). THDR's movements are not affected by pressure.
Description: "Thermite. Burns at extremely high temperature."
Type: Powder
THRM will react with FIRE, PLSM, LAVA and LIFE. It generates very large amounts of heat (Around 3000C just after ignition), hot enough to melt TTAN. Molten THRM turns into BMTL when cooled.
제2 불꽃 화약
Description: "Fireworks! Colorful, set off by fire."
Type: Powder
After contacting FIRE, FIRW will shoot off upward and explode with hot (temp of 6000C to 9000C) and colorful embers. Use decorations to change ember colors.
Explodes when tmp > 1, and life = 0.
퓨즈이다. 고온의 물질 및 전류에 반응한다.
퓨즈 가루이다. 퓨즈의 가루 상태이다.
Description: "Lightning. Change the brush size to set the size of the lightning."
Type: None / Special
Bolt or "Arc" Lightning, Very short-lived element, ~2 to 5 frames of persistence. Upon clicking a "bolt" of LIGH will extend from the brush (angle is random, always downward when with the gravity setting on 'vertical', but at any angle when the gravity setting is 'off' (and generally pointing toward the centre of the screen when the gravity setting is on 'radial')), then dissipate, leaving a "thunderclap" pressure wave in its wake. Generates an extreme amount of heat and pressure upon making contact with another element, but not penetrating it, striking the surface only. Will spark conductors that survive the impact. Can be produced by sparking TESC. Length, temp, and pressure of bolt are based on the brush size used to produce it.
더욱 파괴적인 폭탄
Description: "More destructive Bomb, can break through virtually anything."
Type: Powder
Much more destructive than BOMB. When within 2 pixels of another element (except for DMND, any type of clone, or any type of Wall), DEST releases high amounts of heat and pressure, melting and/or scattering most elements. DEST survives for many frames after the initial impact and often tends to dig into whatever is in the way.
제1 불꽃 화약
Description: "Original version of fireworks, activated by heat/neutrons."
Type: Powder
Explodes with neutrons or heat (200C). Jumps higher than FIRW but has odd trajectories and pale embers. Explodes when hot (temp of ~7000C upwards).
C-5 냉각 폭탄
Description: "Cold explosive, set off by anything cold."
Type: Solid
Explodes when cold, produces CFLM and pressure. Only reacts with LOXY, LN2, CFLM, TRON and any other liquid cooled to below -173.85C/99K. Not pressure sensitive.
Description: "TNT, explodes all at once"
Type: solid
A solid explosive similar to C-4, but creates more pressure and less fire. It is quite a hot explosive, hot enough to melt METL. TNT will explode into bomb shrapnel upon detonation. TNT is the only explosive that explodes instantaneously upon ignition. It was added in version 69.0 beta.
Description: "Ignition cord. Burns slowly with fire and sparks."
Type: Solid
A slow burning fuse-like material. IGNC, unlike FUSE, can be ignited by FIRE as well as hot materials. It burns with EMBR and FIRE at low temperatures. IGNC can be used as a delay to set off low grade explosives, and it can also burn in WATER. NEUT can pass through IGNC without distortion. Added in v70.0.