Renewable elements

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Call an element renewable if it can be generated in potentially unbounded quantities by a TPT factory which does not use any elements with cloning behaviour. For version 99.2 the list of banned elements is:

CLNE.png, BCLN.png, PCLN.png, PBCN.png, CRAY.png, DRAY.png, CONV.png, EXOT.png.

Various types of clone, c-rays and d-rays allow cloning and duplicating elements indefinitely, converter allows converting any particle into the desired type, while EXOT can also duplicate any element it touches.

Some elements allow producing other elements if set up correctly, like snow can melt to its ctype, and we exclude these cases as well, to prevent, for example, snow melting into EXOT. Same applies to serialization, which allows producing some elements in arbitrary quantities by exploiting, say, their life value.

Several elements are renewable if one allows using EXOT as a reactant, without using EXOT's cloning ability. Such reactions are collected at the end of the list.

Note that a renewable element need not be synthesized from nothing, for instance, the factory for generating water may use some amount of water to kickstart the process.

This page tracks which TPT elements are renewable at the moment, and provides some reactions proving the renewability. Precise temperature, pressure and other conditions for reactions are not provided and can be found on the individual elements' pages.


Saltwater slowly turns water into more saltwater:

WATR.png + SLTW.png → 2×SLTW.png

Sponge absorbs saltwater and drops salt in 1/4 of cases:

SPNG.png + 4×SLTW.pngSPNG.png (wet) + SALT.png

Wet sponge releases water when heated:

SPNG.png (wet) → SPNG.png + WATR.png

This reaction cycle has no water loss and produces excess salt.

Water, saltwater

Saltwater turns salt into more saltwater:

SALT.png + SLTW.png → 2×SLTW.png

So saltwater is also renewable, and by purifying it (say, with sponge), water is renewable.

Water vapour, distilled water, rime, fog, ice, snow

By heating water we obtain water vapour, by cooling the vapour slowly we get distilled water, and by cooling it quickly we obtain rime. Sparking rime makes fog:

SPRK.png + RIME.pngFOG.png

Ice is obtained by freezing water and it breaks into snow under pressure.

Freeze water

Freeze water turns water into more freeze water:

WATR.png + FRZW.png → 2×FRZW.png

Quartz, powdered quartz

Quartz grows in saltwater, and hence is renewable:

QRTZ.png + SLTW.png → 2×QRTZ.png

Powdered quartz can be obtained by breaking quartz under pressure.

Ceramic, clay dust

Molten clay dust and molten powdered quartz produce molten ceramic:

CLST.png + QRTZ.png → 2×CRMC.png

Ceramic breaks into clay dust under low pressure, closing the cycle.

Paste, bricks, stone

Clay dust and water give solid paste:

CLST.png + WATR.pngPSTS.png

Solid paste turns into liquid paste or brick under sufficient pressure or temperature. Brick turns into stone under high pressure.

Rock, broken and breakable metal, concrete, gold, titanium, iron, uranium, plutonium, tungsten

Molten stone turns into molten rock under pressure. Molten rock under different pressure can turn into broken metal, concrete, titanium, iron, uranium, plutonium and tungsten. Molten broken metal solidifies into breakable metal.

Photons, neutrons, electrons

Photons have a 1/30 chance to be multiplied by glow:

30×PHOT.png + GLOW.png → 31×PHOT.png + GLOW.png

Photons passing through INVS turn into neutrons:

PHOT.png + INVS.pngNEUT.png + INVS.png

Photons passing through bizarre turn into electrons:

PHOT.png + BIZR.pngELEC.png + BIZR.png

Yeast, dead yeast, dust, fireworks

Yeast grows when warm and turns into dead yeast when overheated. Dead yeast turns into dust under high temperature. Neutrons turn dust into fireworks:

NEUT.png + DUST.pngNEUT.png + FWRK.png

Plant, wood, broken coal, sawdust

Plant grows in water:

PLNT.png + WATR.png → 2×PLNT.png

Neutrons turn plant into wood:

NEUT.png + PLNT.pngNEUT.png + WOOD.png

Wood turns into broken coal under low pressure and high temperature, and broken coal turns into sawdust:

NEUT.png + BCOL.pngNEUT.png + SAWD.png

Silicon, N-silicon, P-silicon, metal

Molten stone and broken coal turn into silicon:

STNE.png + BCOL.pngSLCN.png

Molten silicon and molten breakable metal turn into N-type slilcon or P-type silicon:

SLCN.png + BMTL.pngNSCN.png/PSCN.png

Molten iron and broken coal turn into molten metal:

IRON.png + BCOL.pngMETL.png

Sand, glass, broken glass

Flowing water erodes rock into sand with 1/3 probability:

ROCK.png + 3×WATR.pngSAND.png + 2×STNE.png + 3×WATR.png

Molten sand solidifies into glass, which can be shattered into broken glass under pressure.

Broken electronics, NTCT, thermite

Sparked N-type silicon (or P-type silicon) turns into broken electronics or NTCT under electromagnetic pulse:

NSCN.png + EMP.pngBREL.png/NTCT.png

Broken metal and broken electronics produce thermite under high temperature:

BRMT.png + BREL.pngTHRM.png

Oil, gas, insulator

Water vapour and broken coal turn into oil in the presence of platinum:

WTRV.png + BCOL.png + PTNM.pngOIL.png + PTNM.png

Oil turns into gas under low pressure. Gas turns into insulator near platinum when pressure and temperature are high enough:

GAS.png + PTNM.pngINSL.png + PTNM.png

Fire, smoke, carbon dioxide

Fire is renewable as we can burn something renewable, for example, broken coal. Cold fire turns into smoke and smoke turns into carbon dioxide near platinum:

SMKE.png + PTNM.pngCO2.png + PTNM.png

Oxygen, hydrogen, protons

Electrons split water into oxygen and hydrogen:

WATR.png + 3×ELEC.pngOXYG.png + 2×HYGN.png

Photons react with hydrogen to produce protons and electrons:

PHOT.png + HYGN.pngPROT.png + ELEC.png

Virus, deuterium oxide

Virus turns other elements into virus, and can be kept alive by hitting it with protons. Solid and gas forms of virus can also be produced similarly.

Electrons increase life of deuterium oxide, which allows it to expand indefinitely.

Liquid oxygen, dry ice, carbonated water

Liquid oxygen and dry ice can be obtained by cooling oxygen and carbon dioxide. Dissolving carbon dioxide in water gives carbonated water:

CO2.png + WATR.pngBUBW.png

Noble gas, plasma, polonium, singularity

By colliding protons at high enough speeds, noble gas, plasma, polonium and singularity can be created.


Oxygen fusion produces gravitons among other things:

OXYG.pngBRMT.png + NEUT.png + PHOT.png + PLSM.png + GRVT.png

Exotic matter, cold flame, warp gas

Sparked broken electronics turns into EXOT under high temperature and pressure. When EXOT is irradiated with electrons, it may turn into warp gas:

EXOT.png + ELEC.pngWARP.png

When irradiated with protons, it may turn into cold flame:

EXOT.png + PROT.pngCFLM.png

Vibranium, broken vibranium, broken electronics without EMP

Molten titanium or gold turn into vibranium when combined with EXOT:

TTAN.png/GOLD.png + EXOT.pngVIBR.png

Vibranium breaks into broken vibranium in contact with ANAR, which isn't consumed in the process:

VIBR.png + ANAR.pngBVBR.png + ANAR.png

By blowing up vibranium, one may produce broken electronics without the need of EMP. Indeed:

VIBR.pngEXOT.png + BREL.png + ELEC.png + PHOT.png

while EXOT with molten titanium or gold produce vibranium once again, closing the cycle.


A factory for renewably producing broken metal and thermite.
A demonstration of the DEUT multiplication process.
Language: English