OCO B73-86 is a small outpost at the fringes of the Dhumavati Star System, reciving little light from Dhumavati, and even less in passers by. OCO B73-86 and C73-86 are it's moons. The nearest A73 has pasted to Dhumavati is 23 light days out from the star
very eccentric indeed
595.75 billion kilometers is roughly 23 light days
so this is in an incredibly eccentric orbit.
================================Discription Continued - Furthest would be around 0.8432 light years out. (it is about halfway to this point RN) last supply drop was 1450 years ago. (the orbital period of this is 109587 centuries, it's complete and utter crazyness! Note that I may be wrong here. will update once I've played some universe sandbox.)
I'll need to modify the discription to be more accurate. it is call a Oort Cloud object.
even in the kuiper belt the primary star will appear slightly brighter than those surrounding it. Stars look alike each other well beyond the kuiper belt.
creative name. +1
cool (to short)
Good Job