The Aronians are a faction that arose in 2053 when Vooperia destroyed the Arolaun area. Since then they have allied with Vooperia and are now making technologies to destroy Core Labs and the Vooperian Rebels.
yeah, conv is kind of cheaty
as gar as i know conv is cheaty.
a conv alloy with vibr, void, or insl as the top layer is stronger than bunkium
bunkium can be destroyed with protons
i reccomend you use bunkium instead of insulanium becasue bunkium might be stronger
"Insulanium" is by CMarcoF
Weapons: two LIGH lasers, 1 BOMB shooter, many PROT irradiators
Power source: GLOW reactor
Engines: nuclear, DEUT-powered
Armor: similar to "Insulanium" by...