tried to make a working hydrogen+oxy rocket engine. spark green to start, red to stop, cyan shoots "cannons". The flame despite burning quite bright has a left side bias i was unable to fix. Wish u a great Hollyday season, and a great 22 <3
this thing can withstand a weak azure bomb
HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice. It looks like the flame has a left side bias because after a while the PCLN on the right starts cloning FIRE instead of LN2 somehow.
goodbye beaucoupzero, we'll miss you
also i quit, farewell.
@ArolaunTech he could put void and deco it black to stop exhaust looping
@ae15 loop? but the exhaust- , but also the proton things idea is cool
this is pretty cool
When you damage the drone, the FILT works as damage indicator xD
you should set the save edge mode to loop and add some moving proton things i think you can find a tutorial to make moving proton things